Laluyan, Oscar. “Denise Green Opens Doors to Sights Unseen.” Arte Fuse, Web. 12 Jan. 2015.‹ http://artefuse.com/2015/01/12/denise-green-paintings-drawings-photographs-at-sundaram-tagore-gallery-12383 ›.
Anderson, Patricia. “Trap in New York.” The Sydney Morning Herald (Spectrum) 7-8 June 2014: 25.
“An Artist’s Legacy.” UQ Contact Brisbane Winter 2014:30-31.
Lau, Frida. “Qualitäts-Offensive?” Index Dusseldorf April/May 2013: 32-34.
Jones, Lynda. ”Gifts provide the Essence of Museum’s Exhibit.” Caller-Times 15 Nov. 2013: 13-14.
Forrest, Nicholas. “Million Dollar Denise Green Collection Donated to UQ Art Museum.” BLOUIN ARTINFO, Web. 9 Sept. 2013. ‹ http://au.blouinartinfo.com ›.
Helmke, Juliet. “Denise Green: An Artist’s Odyssey.” The Brooklyn Rail: October 2012: 50.
Saunders, Heather. “Denise Green: An Artist’s Odyssey.” Web. 19 July 2012.‹ http://artistintransit.blogspot.com/2012/07/denise-green-artists- ›.
Brennan, Betsy. “Denise Green: An Artist’s Odyssey.” Australian Art Review, Mar-Apr. 32 (2012): 21.
Brown, Phil. “Fleeting Beauties.” Brisbane News, 14-20 March 2012.
Goodman, Jonathan. “Abstraction and Representation on Equal Terms: A Studio Visit with Denise Green.”
artcritical.com, Web. 20 June 2012. ‹ http://www.artcritical.com/2012/06/20/denise-green/ ›.
Omagari, Lisa. “Denise Green: An Artist’s Odyssey.” Artist Profile 19 (2012): 136.
Kidd, Courtney. “What Now? Denise Green.” Australian Art Collector Jan.-March 2012:104-105
Rule, Dan. “In the Galleries.” The Age Feb. 2012: 24
McDonald, John. “Sold on the Fine Print.” Sydney Morning Herald (Spectrum) 24-25 March 2012: 12-13.
Crawford, Ashley. “Denise Green: An Artist’s Odyssey.” 101 Collins Autumn, 2012.
Schreiner, Michael. “Kosmos der Möglichkeiten.” Augsburger Allgemeine Augsburg. 4 March 2011: 4.
O’Sullivan, Jane. “Denise Green Secures Two European Solo Exhibitions.” Australian Art Collector Magazine, January 2011.
O’Sullivan, Jane. “Interview: Denise Green.” Australian Art Collector Magazine 27 Apr. 2010.
Bourland, Ian. “Critic’s Picks: New York,” Artforum, Web. Feb. 2010. ‹ http://artforum.com/picks/id=24966 ›.
Ross, Susan. “Denise Green: Evanescence.” ArtInfo.com.au Web.‹ http://www.artinfo.com.au/opinions/read/denise-green-evanescence ›.
Bond, Anthony. “Denise Green: Then and Now.” Art & Australia Spring 46.1 (2008): 146.
Armstrong, Claire. “Collections: The Richardsons.” Art World April/May 2008: 168-171.
Serisier, Gillian. “Review: Books.” Artist Profile 4 (2008);93.
Spencer, Ric. “Images of Lost Meaning.” West Australian 21 Nov. 2008: p. 7
Zabel, Barbara. “A New Paradigm: The Art of Denise Green.” World Literature Today May 2007: 50-56.
_______. “An Interview with Denise Green.” World Literature Today May 2007: 55-56.
Kühn, Thomas W. “Denise Green ‘Magischer Tausch’.” Kunstforum International Web. July 2007.
Periz, Ingrid. “Australian artists in the United States of America.” Art & Australia 44.4 (2007): 600-605.
Morgan, Robert C. “Drawn to Roses: Talking to artist Denise Green.” Meanjin 66.2 (2007): 125-132.
“New catalogs,” ART (Hamburg) April 2007: 136.
Morgan, Robert C. “Denise Green Metonymy in Contemporary Art: A New Paradigm. Museum Kurhaus
in Kleve.” Brooklyn Rail Oct 2006: 28.
Dirksen, Jens. “Meine Vase, mein Zelt, mein Hund” [My vase, my tent, my dog]. NRZ 24 June 2006: NKU1.
Grass, Matthias. “Rosen der Vergänglichkeit” [Roses of Transience]. Rheinische Post 27 May 2006: B6.
__________. “Von Coyoten und Hasen” [Of Coyotes and Rabbits]. Rheinische Post 8 July 2006: B5.
Gronewald, Claudia. “Eine Rose ist eine Rose ist eine . .” NRZ 8 July 2006: NKL04.
Henseler, Annette. “Denise Greens gesammelte Weltenbilder.” Klever Wochenblatt 5 July 2006.
Hübner, Klaus. “Der Vase in die Falle getappt” [Entrapped by a Vase]. Neue Rhein Zeitung 27 May 2006: NKL04.
“Im Spannungsfeld der Kulturen.” Kultur Kanal Munich 8 August 2006: 44.
Meister, Helga. “Die Farbe der alten und der neuen Welt” [The color of the old and the new world]. K.
West July/August 2006: 16, 17.
“Metonymy in contemporary art; a new paradigm.” Reference & Research Book News 21.2 May 2006.
Moenig, Roland, Valentina Vlasic and Guido de Werd. “Denise Green 28.5. – 3.9. 2006.” Museum Reporter 9
(December 2006): 8, 11.
“Embracing New York, Australia and the World.” Australia E-Notes Newsletter, New York June 2006.
“Museum Kurhaus Kleve.” Niederrhein Zeitung 5 Jan. 2006.
“Auftauchen und wieder verschwinden.” NRZ 11 Aug. 2006: NKL04.
“Museum Kurhaus Kleve zeigt Schau zu Denise Green” [Museum Kurhaus Kleve presents an exhibition of
Denise Green]. Rheinische Post 27 May 2006.
Steenbergen, Dorine. “In pijn huist vaak schoonheid óók in 11/9.” De Gelderlander 27 June 2006.
Stretton, Andrea. “Metonymy in Contemporary Art: A New Paradigm” Art & Australia 44.2 (2006): 292.
Haynes, Janet. “Shades of Green.” Australian Art Review Nov. 2006: 30-31.
Sykes, Jill. “Writings of an Artist: Looking at art from the inside.” Look Magazine (Art Gallery of NSW) Feb. 2006: 30.
Wirth, Heidrun. “Klare Formen für das Leid im September” [Clear forms for the suffering of September].
Kolnische Rundschau 15 June 2006: 30.
McDonald, John. “Clever as a painter.” Sydney Morning Herald 6-7 Aug. 2005: 28.
Sorensen, Rosemary. “Promise beyond portraits in Mayne Variety show.” Courier Mail 27 July 2005.
Gregory, Bill. Robert Motherwell. Annandale Galleries, Sydney 27 July 2005.
“Art Galleries Schubert.” Antiques & Art in Queensland July-November 2005: 9.
“Profile of a prolific painter.” Gold Coast Weekender 25-26 June 2005: 18.
Stringer, John. “Denise Green Re-Witnessing 2001.” Bulletin for Kerry Stokes Collection April 2005.
Alt, Gerhard. “Ein Nebeneinander der Weltgefuges.” Saarbrücker Zeitung Dillinger. 29 Nov. 2004: NR278.
Billharz, Bettina. “Ausstellung der Kunstlerin Denise Green in der Galerie Marlies Hanstein.”
Saarbrücker Zeitung 15 Oct. 2004.
“Gemalde und zerbrechliche Hullen.” Wochenspiegel Dillingen December 2004: 15.
Ingram, Terry. “Gallery Goes White as New York Snow.” Australian Financial Review 19 Feb. 2003.
Janssen, Johannes. “Verwandtschaften mit Joseph Beuys – vor and nach de 11. September.” Zeitrisse
Saarbrücken 3: 7 (2003).
JJ, “11. September und Joseph Beuys.” Wochenspiegel Saarbrücken 10 Sept. 2003: 1.
Makin, Jeff. “Denise Green.” The Herald Sun 4 Aug. 2003.
red, “Denise Green – Verwandtschaft mit Joseph Beuys.” Kakadu Saarbrücken 2003: 39-40.
“11. September.” Saarbrücker Zeitung 5Sept. 2003: B2.
Schleuning, Johannes. “Traumzeit oder: Wo Beuys auf die Aborigines trifft.” Saarbrücker Zeitung 8 Sept. 2003.
Graf, Sabine. “Denise Green und der 11. September.” Laboratorium, Institut für aktuelle Kunst im Saarland
(Mitteilungen) 2002: 7.
Stamm, Jutta. “Aufarbeitung entlaster.” Saarbrücker Zeitung 5 June 2002: 127.
Murray Cree, Laura. “Resonating: Denise Green — A synergy of form and feeling.” Art & Australia 39.2
(December 2001): 224-226.
Martin-Chew, Louise. “Return of Prodigal Daughter.” Weekend Australian Review 3-4 Feb. 2001: 20-21.
Kirker, Anne. “Denise Green Breaking Out of the Square.” Interview. Eyeline Autumn/Winter 2001: 36-39.
Widdicombe, Ben. “Homecoming Green.” Australian Art Collector 15 (January-March 2001).
Anderson, Peter. “Homecoming.” The Courier Mail 25 Jan. 2001: 35.
Fortescue, Elizabeth. “Reflections on the artist’s life.” Daily Telegraph Sydney. 6 April 2001: 112.
Hirtenfelder, Dr. Erwin. “Schwebende Behaltnisse.” Kleine Zeitung Klagenfurt. 10 May 2001.
I.W., “Kommunikation der Kulturer.” Klagenfurt 10 May 2001.
Krum, Sharon. “A Broad Canvas.” Qantas The Australian Way April 2001: 104-108.
“Denise Green in der Stadtgalerie.” Rosentaler Kurier June 2001: 29.
Stank, Frieda. “Ein Zeichen-Gemurmel.” Kronen Zeitung Klagenfurt. 7 June 2001.
Steiner, Bertram Karl. “Geheimnis des Klassizismus.” Kaerntner Tages Zeitung 17 May 2001.
Szelekes, Blanka. “Resonating: Denise Green.” Look Budapest. 1-7 March 2001.
von Krainer, Gerda. “Kunst Beltrac.” Kartner Woche 7-12 June 2001.
Timms, Peter. “Writings on the Wall.” The Age 30 Aug. 2000.
Albinson, Grace. “Two New Exhibitions Open: Artist Denise Green’s Work.” College Voice New London, CT 4 Feb. 2000.
Armstrong, Fiona. “Renowned Australian artist returning to her origins.” Queensland Independent October 2000: 10.
Barclay, Alison. “Spirited journey.” Herald Sun 30 Aug. 2000: 59.
“Denise Green: Resonating.” Connecticut College Source Newsletter 10 Jan. 2000: 2.
Hopkins, Dawn. “Modern American Art Visits Lyman Allyn.” College Voice 4 Feb. 2000.
Kardasz, Magdalena. “Denise Green 13 May –15 June 2000.” Zacheta Newsletter Warsaw. January-June 2000.
Kowalska, Agnieszka. “Energia Koloru.” Gazeta Wyborcza Warsaw. 13-14 May 2000.
Moore, Milton. “Abstract Explosion.” The Day New London, CT 4 Feb. 2000.
“Denise Green at the Zacheta.” Spotkania z Warszawa June 2000.
“Lyman Allyn offers a key New Imagist.” The Day New London, CT 6 Jan. 2000 8.
Bell, Tiffany. “Denise Green.” Art in America October 1999: 138-141.
Brennan, Betsy. “Masterpieces.” Vogue Entertaining & Travel February 1999: 93-97.
Rumley, Katrina. “Returning to the Center.” Art & Australia 36. 4 (1999): 538-541.
Sefelt, Minell. “An artist’s search for that still, small voice.” Sonoran News, Art Walk 8-14 Sept. 1999.
Widdicombe, Ben. “Any Colour If It’s Green.” Australian Weekend Review 6 March 1999.
“Denise Green.” A Jour Klip Copenhagen. 28 Oct. 1999.
“Denise Green: Resonating.” Antiques and the Arts Weekly 24 Dec. 1999: 25.
“Denise Green.” Berlingske Tidende Copenhagen. 22 Oct. 1999.
“Provokerende vaerker.” Borsen 12 Oct.1999.
Genocchio, Benjamin. “Singular vision of an exile.” The Australian 5 March 1999.
“Amerikanske vaerker pa papir I Galerie Asbaek.” Morgenavisen Jylands-Posten Copenhagen. 12 Oct.1999.
“Down Under wares.” Phoenix New Times, 30. 34 (28 Aug.-1 Sept. 1999).
Pringle, Jennifer. “Museum highlights work of Australian.” ASU Insight 27 Aug. 1999: 8.
“Retrospective.” New York Magazine 3 May 1999: 147.
Stuart, Christine. “Metonymic State of Mind.” Hartford Advocate 16 Dec. 1999.
“Embassy given a touch of Green.” Sun Herald Dec. 1999.
Weaver, Cynthia P. “‘Resonating’ creates sense of peace.” State Press Tempe, AZ 15 Sept.1999: 10.
Widdicombe, Ben. “They Love NY!” Australian Art Collector 6 (October-December 1998): 21.
“The Big Apple to Down Under.” Midwest Times Geraldton 4 Nov. 1998: 17.
Zalunardo, Paul and Shady Cosgrove. “Traveller Denise Green Brings World Back Home.” Illawarra Mercury 4 April 1998: 7.
“World Bank exhibit.” The Wall Street Journal, Work Week column 7 Nov. 1995: 1.
Trioli, Virginia. “Green Deeply Colors a Spiritual Canvas.” The Age 27 July 1994.
Ashton, Helen. “Australian art purchased by Guggenheim Museum.” Churinga NY. 4. 1 (January 1994): 1.
Turner, Elise. “Work Shows Artist’s Mood, Style Changes.” Miami Herald 25 May 1994.
France, Christine. “Black and White Studies in Green reveal an inner discourse.” Australian Weekend Review 10-11 Oct. 1992.
Williams, Antonia. “Arts Agenda.” Vogue Living Oct./Nov. 1992: 155.
Banks, Ron. “New York Frame of Mind.” West Australian 14 May 1991: 44.
Bromfeld, David. “Magnum’s startling moments in time.” West Australian 11 May 1991.
Le Masurier, Megan. “Insight.” Elle Sydney. May 1992: 62.
“Australian expatriate Denise Green.” Vogue Living May 1992: 159.
Snell, Ted. “Insights into the Artist’s Intentions.” The Australian 3 Jan. 1990: 9.
Brennan, Betsy. “An Australian Painter’s Perspective: New York Abstractions.” Vogue Living XXIII.
9, whole No. 146 (November 1989): 16.
Lynn, Elwyn. “Sidestreams of Diversity.” Weekend Australian 2-3 Dec. 1989.
Grundberg, Andy. “The Artists of Summer: A Time for Risk Without Anxiety.” New York Times 3 July 1988: 1,
__________. “The Joys of Summer for Artists.” International Herald Tribune 8 July 1988: 7.
Bellamy, Louise. “Denise Green Creates Her Own Language.” The Age 31 May 1988.
Loughery, John. “17 Years at the Barn” under ‘Arts Reviews’. Arts Magazine 1988.
Rooney, Robert. “A Climb to Anti-climax.” Weekend Australian 28-29 May 1988.
Thompson, Walter. “Denise Green at Althea Viafora.” Art in America Dec. 1988: 159-160.
“Denise Green: Delhi Morn, Love Song, Olive Park, Rocca Barbara.” Print Collector’s Newsletter: 62.
Smith, Roberta. “A Painting Landmark in Retrospect: Revisiting the New Image Painters of the 70’s.” New York
Times Section 2: 1 (2 Aug. 1987): 29.
__________. “Art: Exxon Show at the Guggenheim.” New York Times 4 Sept. 1987.
Shah, Shanti. “Denise Green at Contemporary Art Gallery Ahmedabad.” Gujarat Samacher 22 Nov. 1987: 2.
Adams, Bruce. “Chaos, Riddles and Intrigue.” Sydney Morning Herald 6 Feb. 1987.
Cotton, Judy. “Australians overseas: off-shore successes: Denise Green.” Australian Vogue Sept. 1987: 258.
Lynn, Elwyn. “Ecstasy amid the muddle.” Weekend Australian Feb. 1987: 14-15.
McDonald, John. “Even art ripens in the sun.” Sydney Morning Herald 8 July 1987.
Woolcock, Phyllis. “King-size show for Brisbane and Japan.” Courier Mail 20 June 1987.
Smith, Roberta. “Art: In the Mid-70’s, Exploring the Image.” New York Times 12 Dec. 1986: C26
Bell, Tiffany. “Denise Green.” Arts April 1986: 141.
Bredow, Susan. “How patrons help Denise Green in an abstract world.” The Australian 25 July 1986: 10.
Gillemon, Daniele. “Denise Green, Energy Itself.” Le Soir, Brussels 9 May 1986.
“Denise Green, les signes et les symbols.” Libre Belgique May 1986.
Lorent, Claude. “Art Bruxelles et Environs.” Arts, Antiques and Auctions April 1986: 40.
Minne, Florent. “Denise Green schildert energie en geometrie.” De Standaard Brussels 13 May 1986.
Grimes, Nancy. “New York Reviews.” Art News April 1986: 135.
Henry, Gerrit. “Denise Green at Althea Viafora and M-13.” Art in America July 1986.
Lynn, Elwyn. “Even fearsome creatures quit or . . .” The Australian 26 July 1986.
Madoff, Stephen Henry. “NY.” Nike, 12 (March/April 1986): 16-17.
McDonald, John. “Artistic Stayers Show Their Wares.” Sydney Morning Herald 9 Dec. 1986: 51.
Tuchman, Phyllis. “70’s Imagery Tells How We Got to Where We Are Today.” Newsday 14 Dec. 1986: 19
Harrison, Helen A. “Treating the Canvas as an Object in its Own Right.” New York Times 3 March 1985: 16.
Kennedy, Heather. “Green Taken in by the US” (interview), The Age 9 March 1985: 9.
Lynn, Elwyn. “Different Roads to Modernism Mecca.” The Australian 28 March 1985.
Maloon, Terence. “Splashes of Radiance to Seduce the Eye.” Sydney Morning Herald 23 March 1985: 44.
Maulfair, Jane. “Exhibition Spans 10 Years of Artist’s Work.” Allentown Morning Call 9 May 1985.
Murphy, Sean. “Abstract Art and the Public.” The Pioneer (Long Island) 20 Feb. 1985: 20, 21.
Wallach, Amei. “Abstract Power.” Newsday 22 Feb. 1985.
(Illustration). Bomb, No. XI (Winter): 93.
Glueck, Grace. “Art: Interventions on US Latin Role.” New York Times 3 Feb. 1984: C23.
Donohue, Victoria. “Is abstract painting regaining its popularity?” Philadelphia Inquirer 14 Sept. 1984: 34.
Rayner, Virginia. “Natives go abroad.” Vogue Living Australia Nov. 1984: 144-146.
Maloon, Terence. “A New Exhibition in the Key of ‘Ah’.” Sydney Morning Herald 16 July 1983.
Paisio, Franco. “Denise Green interview.” Aspect, Art and Literature Sydney. Spring 1983: 3-7.
“Denise Green, ‘Circle Invaded by a Square.’” Print Collector’s Newsletter January-February 1983: 218.
Braff, Phyllis. “From the Studio.” East Hampton Star 17 June 1982.
Cross, Elizabeth. National Times 15-21 Aug. 1982.
Donohue, Victoria. “Art.” Philadelphia Inquirer 26 Nov. 1982: 38.
Frank, Peter. “Review.” Art News January 1982: 159.
Hawker, Philippa. “Rothko a Good Omen for Denise Green.” The Age 18 Aug. 1982.
Rickey, Carrie. “Why Women Don’t Express Themselves.” Village Voice 2 Nov. 1982: 1, 79.
Simpson, Jeffrey. “Bold Concept.” Architectural Digest August 1982: 100-105.
Sturgeon Graeme. “Perspecta 81.” Art & Australia: 335.
“Expositions Belgique: Galerie Albert Baronian.” Art Press 44 (January 1981): 34.
Champagne, Lenora. “Women in Cages and Male Men.” Live 6 (1981): 55-57.
Henry, Gerrit. “New York Reviews.” Art News March 1981: 220.
Murphy, Bernice. “Flash Art – Australia.” Flash Art January-February 1981: 60-61.
Wilson, Judith. “Review.” Art in America February 1981: 148-149.
Zimmer, William. “Another Green World.” Soho Weekly News 14 Oct. 1981: 65.
Zimmer, William and Cynthia Nadelman. “Why Foreign Artists Call It Home.” Art News November 1981: 101-105.
Zeitlin, Marilyn. “Ellipses.” Anderson Gallery, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, 1981
Borlase, Nancy. “Atomic Structure, Firmly Formed.” Sydney Morning Herald 27 Sept. 1980: 19.
Foley, Benjamin. “Energy Emerges in Stone.” Washington Star 17 Feb. 1980: E2-3.
King, Mary. “Denise Green’s Art Becomes More Abstract.” St. Louis Post Dispatch 28 Nov. 1980: F4.
Knaepen, Jos. Buletin (Brussels) 24 Oct. 1980.
Lewis, Jo Ann. “The Light Brigade of American Art.” Washington Post 9 Feb. 1980: C1.
Rickey, Carrie. “Heresies Benefit.” Village Voice 22 Sept. 1980.
Rubin, Michael G. “Denise Green’s Artwork at Gallery.” St. Louis Globe Democrat 29-30 Nov. 1980: F4.
Ashbery, John. “Climbing the Wallpaper.” New York Magazine 29 Jan. 1979: 103-104.
Perrone, Jeff. “Reviews.” Artforum March 1979: 62-63.
Frank, Peter. “Where is New York?” Art News November 1979: 58-65
__________. “Gifts of the Imagi.” Village Voice 8 Jan. 1979.
Lynn, Elwyn. “Denise Green.” Art International September 1979: 50-53.
Perreault, John. “Whitney Turkey.” Soho Weekly News 4 Jan. 1979.
Rose, Barbara. “Art for ’79 Eyes.” Vogue January 1979: 136, 137, 184.
Salle, David. “New Image Painting.” Flash Art March-April 1979: 40, 41.
Zimmer, William. “Group Show Max Protetch Gallery.” Soho Weekly News 13 Sept. 1979.
Ashbery, John. “Trashing the Sixties.” New York Magazine 29 May 1978: 64-65.
Raynor, Vivien. “Art: What’s New, Whitney Style.” New York Times 8 Dec. 1978.
Borlase, Nancy. “Reviews Art.” Sydney Morning Herald 24 June 1978.
Downs, Matthews. “America’s Young Artists.” Exxon USA, Third Quarter, XVII. 3 (1978): 8-13.
McGrath, Sandra. “A tough intellectual stringency.” Australian Weekend Magazine 17-18 June 1978.
Zimmer, William. “Richard Marshall: New Interest in Images.” Soho Weekly News 29 Sept.1978: 54, 62.
Bell, Pamela. “The words get in the way of the pictures.” Courier Mail Sept. 1977.
Langer, Gertrude. “Desert Art.” Courier Mail 3 Sept. 1977.
Perreault, John. “Painting Is As Painting Does: 41 Painters at P.S. 1.” Soho Weekly News 12 May 1977: 20.
Thomas, Daniel. “The Lessons of Modernism. Masters and the Year Ahead.” The National Times 26-31 Jan. 1976: 24-25.
Boice, Bruce. “Arts Reviews.” Arts Magazine December 1977: 39-40.
da Vinci, Mona. “Reviews: New York.” Art News December 1977: 126.
Day Benson, Philippa. “Color, Light and Image Come to New York.” Australian Women’s Weekly 11 Feb. 1976.
“Artist Green in lecture-slide presentation.” Pantagraph Normal, IL 14 Nov. 1976: C-15.
Perreault, John. “Women Ain’t Losers.” Soho Weekly News 23 Sept. 1976: 26.
Salle, David. Arts Magazine December1976: 39-40.
“Artist plans lecture-slide presentation.” Vidette Normal, IL 15 Nov. 15 1965.
Lauterbach, Ann. “Denise Green at the Art Resources Center of the Whitney Museum.” Art in America Nov.- Dec. 1975: 107.
Mignacca, Eneide. “Rectangular Facades of Modern Mythology.” Nation Review July 1975: 1013.
McGrath, Sandra. “Is there a female aesthetic?” The Australian 2 July 1975: 18.
__________. “Arts Australian.” The Australian 31 December 31 1975: 8.
Thomas, Daniel. “A selection from Australian women artists of the past.” Sydney Morning Herald 10 July 1975: 7.
Da Vinci, Mona. “Inaugural Group Exhibition: Holly Solomon Gallery.” Soho Weekly News 15 Sept. 1975.
“Views in paint from a loft.” Courier Mail 21 July 1975: 10.
Faerber, Ruth. “3D in motion at the Sculpture Center.” Sydney Morning Herald July 1975.
Langer, Gertrude. “Stimulating two showings.” Courier Mail July 1975.
Pidgeon, W.E. Sydney Sunday Telegraph 6 July 1975.
Alloway, Lawrence. “Art.” The Nation 29 June 1974: 830.
Perreault, John. “A Smattering of New Talent.” Village Voice 20 June 1974: 40.
Dyer, Ruth. “Contemporary Reflections at Aldrich Features Abstract, Realist, Ritual.” Wilton Bulletin/Ridgefield
Press/Redding Pilot 17-18 April 1974: 14.
Gilbert Rolfe. Jeremy. Artforum December 1973: 88-89.
Frank, Peter. Art News December 1973: 89.
Stitelman, Paul. Arts December 1973: 60.